How will Artificial Intelligence change our lives in next 5 years.

This is particularly true of the business sphere. Many firms already use AI algorithms to process big data and automate simple tasks. And the trade dispute between the United State and China is highlighting the importance of artificial intelligence in commerce. In this article, we will explore the important ways AI will change the way businesses operate between 2018 and 2023. Within the next half-decade, AI will…

Become Practical for the First Time
First, the once science fictional will become increasingly affordable. That means that more and more tech startups will use AI to both streamline their workflow and increase their margins.

But the change will be subtle, almost too subtle to notice. At least at first. Many of these AI innovations will be compatible with existing infrastructure, meaning that the change will be slow, and yet impactful.

That raises a question: how will your business incorporate AI into its existing systems? And, perhaps more importantly, what systems will you use? Ideally, your firm will do its due diligence in finding the right systems. Be aware that there will be a wealth of new automation tools coming out in the next five years. Be on the lookout for ones that will be particularly useful to you.

It will…

Not Do Away With Work, but Make It More Productive
There has been a kind of moral panic with regards to AI potentially replacing human workers. But the history of automation teaches us that for every job replaced by technology, new ones take their place. In the short term, there is not a threat of human workers being completely overshadowed by robots. Blue-collar -and some white-collar- workers will be pressured, but re-training in hi-tech can alleviate some of this.

Your firm should have a robust training system in place for educating workers about how to use and fully utilize AI. Otherwise, you risk paying a premium for talent that is already familiar with the system you use. Reducing the tedium of simple yet repetitive tasks. This allows workers, management, and ownership to focus on big-picture tasks that can’t be automated.

In the next five years, AI…

Won’t Be Perfect
It may not come at you with a sawed-off shotgun on a motorcycle, but artificial intelligence will have flaws. Humans are still in the early stages of practical AI. Autonomous cars sometimes crash. Data isn’t always presented in an intuitive way. And some of Whole Foods’ woes came from an automated delivery system that was faulty. During the next five or so years, some major kinks will have to be worked out of administrative AI.

In terms of your company, it will pay to have an in-house professional -or team of professionals- who can fix, debug and improve on AI systems. Failing that, make connections with companies who can train your employees to use these systems in a cost-effective way.

Lastly, new AI will…

Revolutionize Mobile App Development
We are already seeing automated customer support bots integrated into apps. In addition, digital assistants are taking some of the legwork out of everyday operations. More importantly, AI will make user interface more friendly and also provide customer data trends. These data trends will allow managers and owners to make better-informed decisions in response to consumer demand.

The science of mobile app development will be both quantitatively and qualitatively improved. All this because of the introduction of machines capable of learning. Firms should appreciate the magnitude of this shift in app development and prepare for it by seeking out the most innovative systems.

AI’s Promising Short-Term Future
In sum, it would be foolish to ignore AI as the most promising development in web app development and information technology. Just as politicos are pressuring the United States government to invest in AI, we advise you to reap AI’s potential dividends by preparing for its homecoming.

How to prepare for flu season in the time of COVID-19

While the focus is on COVID-19 outbreak, influenza season cannot be ignored. Just like coronavirus, influenza virus can spread with mild infections.

Influenza is a viral infection that attacks the nose, lungs and throat. Last year more than 39 million people got sick with influenza according to estimates of CDC. So the question is what will this winter be like with both COVID-19 and flu in the mix? The specialist exactly doesn’t know yet.

But there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones, and help keep the hospitals from becoming overwhelmed with sick patients this flu season. The flu season may start in October and doesn’t rear its heads until January or February. Influenza virus and coronavirus are both spreading in similar ways so it is likely to use face masks, maintain social distance and other actions to reduce the spread of flu and coronavirus. Face Masks provide a physical barrier for large particle respiratory droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs.

How to prepare yourself with the flu?

Both the flu and coronavirus are serious illnesses. Prepare yourself and your loved ones.

Get your flu shot:

Research shows that the flu vaccine can reduce the risk of flu illness and makes it less likely that you would get severely ill even if you did become infected. There is no vaccine for coronavirus yet but you can protect yourself from the spread of viral infection. The CDC recommends that anyone over the age of 6 months can get vaccinated. It is advisable to get a flu shot early October to prepare for the beginning parts of flu season.

Stay vigilant with safety precautions:

Just like coronavirus, flu infection also spread through drops from a person’s nose or mouth. All the safety measures taken to prevent spread of noble coronavirus such as masking, staying six feet away, frequent washing of hands etc. can also be followed for flu season. This will reduce your chances of being exposed to a flu virus.

Know what to do if you get sick:

Influenza virus and covid-19 have similar symptoms such as cough, fever, muscle aches and difficulty in breathing. If you develop any of the above symptoms, immediately get in touch with your doctor. The doctor will better advise you what can be done and if a test for the flu or COVID-19 should be conducted.

Stock your medicine cabinet:

If you get a mild symptom of the flu or COVID-19, stay home and feel better until you get well to avoid passing it on to others. Doctors recommend keeping a few things handy just in case any of the symptoms takes place, a fever reducer such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), cough syrup, thermometer, ibuprofen for muscle aches. To measure the level of oxygen it is vital to keep a pulse oximeter at home.

Winter is the time for another contagious illness like respiratory syncytial virus (which commonly affects children) and norovirus ( a stomach bug). Taking necessary precautions for covid and flu virus will also help keep these illnesses at bay. Washing your hands frequently, practicing good cough etiquette, disinfecting hard surfaces with sanitizers and staying home while you’re sick are good practices to take in winter no matter what.

But with an extra layer of deadly disease, COVID-19 the care should also come extra. If we all want to go back to our normal lives where watching a movie in theater, eating in restaurants, playing in the garden, sending kids to school safely, we need to practice all the above preventive measures and understand that we are not just protecting ourselves but also people around us.

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How to Get an Auto Loan When No One is ready to co-sign for you?

Auto loan approval speeds up when you have a co-signer. You might have suffered from bad credit and the best solution would be to get a cosigner on board. Ideally, a co-signer is someone who agrees to repay the auto loan amount in case the borrower fails to make regular payments. Co-signing is a generous act of helping a family member or a friend in need. But more often than not, the risks involved with co-signing an auto loan are massive. Due to the numerous financial risks, you may be left in a situation with no co-signer.

What are the Risks of Co-Signing an Auto Loan?

1. Directly Liable to Make Payments

In the worst-case scenario, if you are unable to make payments, the co-signer will become directly liable to pay them. The lender has the right to sue the co-signer, who has agreed to repay the loan in the past. Although the co-signer has not taken an auto loan, he has helped the borrower attain auto loan approval. Therefore, he can be held responsible for making payments in case the borrower avoids making them.

2. Debt to Income Ratio Disruption

When a co-signer comes on board, his total debt increases as compared to the gross monthly income. The person co-signing for you would always think about his/her future financial requirements. If he co-signs for an auto loan, he might be denied for a loan in the future because there is already a lot of debt under his name. When someone co-signs for you, it can disrupt their future financial planning. And so, they avoid co-signing for a loan.

3. Co-signing Makes Relationships Bleak

A co-signer will be ready to risk their credit score only if they are a close friend or a family member. In most cases, when you miss out on payments, it becomes your co-signer’s duty to bring you into the lawsuit. Most likely, your friend or relative may even have to sue you and that can strain your friendships or family ties.

If Co-Signing is a Bad Idea, then how do you obtain an Auto Loan?

If you are unable to find a co-signer, do not worry. There is hope. Get back to the drawing board and change your game plan. Focus on the following things for easy approval:

1. Increase the Amount of Down Payment

When you apply for an auto loan, make sure you are making a big down payment that reduces the amount of the car loan. Ideally, 20% or more of a down payment is a good amount to pay upfront for auto loans without a co-signer.

2. Work on Building Stellar Credit

You require a co-signer in the first place because of a bad credit history. Work on increasing your credit score by paying off past debt, clearing credit card balances and paying your auto loan on time.

3. Apply for No Co-Signer Auto Loans

Last but not least, consider applying for no co-signer auto loans. There are many online auto financing companies that offer auto loan approval without the need to co-sign. Interest rates may be a tad higher but they will compensate for the time and effort take to convince someone to help you out. You can always negotiate interest rates with the lender and seek a better deal by manifesting your current monthly income.

Auto loans without a co-signer are still a possibility. All you need to do is change your game plan, take the right steps and you can buy a car easily.